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Homeopathy is a system of medicine, yes, MEDICINE. Developed in the 18th century by Dr Samuel Hahnemann, homeopathy uses very small amounts of natural substances that, in its raw form, may cause a disease or symptom. The word homeopathy derives from two Greek words meaning “similar suffering".
Homeopathy seeks to stimulate the body's own healing mechanisms to correct the underlying imbalance that caused the symptoms in the first place. It is a system of medicine that is fundamentally different from conventional (allopathic) medicine, which tends to heavily focus on pharmaceuticals. Homeopathic medicine aims to treat the whole person using medicines made from highly diluted plants and other natural elements. Based on the belief these medicines stimulate a healing response in our bodies, the principle law is "like cures like" ailment can be cured by a substance that produces similar symptoms in healthy people.
Like cures like. A remedy made from a natural substance which would usually produce the symptoms in a healthy individual, after undergoing the process of sequential dilution and succussion, can be effective in treating those similar symptoms presented in a sick individual. An example I'll use is the homeopathic remedy of Allium cepa, the latin name for red onion, could help someone who has watering eyes and a streaming nose, the similar symptoms one may experience when chopping an onion. It does NOT need to be due to chopping an onion to use this remedy but recognizing the symptoms helps to choose this remedy for those uncomfortable sensations.
Homeopathy is manufactured by homeopathic pharmacies according to the standards and processes of the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS) and is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and must comply with FDA Good Manufacturing Practices. Homeopathy is officially recognized in the US under the 1938 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, the 1965 Medicare Act, and the 1987 FDA Compliance Policy Guidelines.
I was blessed the moment I found Joette Calabrese, a trained homeopath with now over 40 years of experience. Instead of reinventing the wheel, I invite you to listen to her own words explain homeopathy and practical homeopathy (part 1).
Instead of reinventing the wheel, I invite you to listen to her own words explain homeopathy and practical homeopathy (part 2).
You must be prepared if you are going to use homeopathy. There is nothing more frustrating than wanting to use this beautiful form of medicine but not know where to start or have a remedy at the helm! I have listed below the top homeopathic remedies every home should have in their medicine cabinet.
~leopard's bane plant~
KEYNOTES: Accidents, injuries (mild-severe), extreme soft tissue trauma, postoperative recovery, arthritis flare-ups, severe weakness
~monkshood plant~
KEYNOTES: Sudden shock, accidents, sudden onset of fevers or ear infections, symptoms from extreme fright, anxiety
BANERJI PROTOCOL FOR COLDS: at the start of feeling "off", Aconite 200c + Bryonia 30c
~the honey bee~
KEYNOTES: Swelling, stinging pain, welts/hives, life saving for anaphylactic reactions, pain better with cold
~st. johns wort~
KEYNOTES: Nerve pain, extreme pain, punctures, laceration/wounds, violent/intolerable/shooting pains, osteomyelitis
~comfrey plant~
KEYNOTES: Bone injuries, eye injury/trauma, broken bones, osteoarthritis, stitching pains after wound is healed
~wild hops~
KEYNOTES: WORSE with movement, every movement is painful, stitching pain, sciatica, extreme breast pain
BANERJI PROTOCOL FOR COLDS: at the start of feeling "off", Aconite 200c + Bryonia 30c
~poison-nut tree~
KEYNOTES: Powerful gastrointestinal remedy, onset of indigestion, colic, nausea, vomiting, ailments from too much alcohol, rich foods, or chocolate; insomnia from overactive mind,
~poison ivy~
KEYNOTES: Stiffness, better after limbering up, stitching/shooting/tearing pains, joint pain with flu, aches/soreness better from pressure and heat, red/itchy blisters
~common rue plant~
KEYNOTES: Ligament pains, strained/sprained tendons, eye strain, sprained ankles, carpal tunnel, tennis elbow
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